Monday, April 18, 2011

Another day off

Yesterday I ran inside again. I did about 3 and a half miles and then my ankle started getting sore. I think on Sat when I was moving dirt with my brother I twisted my ankle a little more then I thought. I decided I would take it a little easier today and then see how I felt tomorrow. Should be doing some capoeira with a friend in the evening too so I might just do a nice easy run outside if the weather is nice.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yay snow...

So it snowed a tad last night, so I went and ran inside again. I showed up like 20 mins before they closed (early on sat.), so I was only able to run about 15 mins. I did 3x4 laps (each lap is 1/7 of a mile) before I had to go. So almost 2 miles wasn't to bad. I was still pretty warmed up so I did another 3 laps on the outdoor track. That was a bit cold, but it was good. More tomorrow, hope the weather is nicer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Feeling Good Today

So after feeling so crappy yesterday and cutting my run a bit short, I was planning for a quick run and then some martial arts a little later. The martial arts plans fell through, so I went and did the run anyway.

The weather was kinda crumby so I ran inside on the indoor track here. Its a lot smaller so it ends up being 1 mile is 7 laps. The math gets funky when your trying to run 400m at a time so I ended up doing 2 laps in place of 400m, 4 laps in place of 800m, and 8 laps in place of 1600m (and ya I know, 7 laps would be a mile, but it was just easier on my brain to work it like this..).

I stuck with my three 2x400m, 1x800m routine, which ended up being 2x2 laps (457m), 1x4 laps (914m).
After the last 1x4 I was feeling good so I just kept going for another 8 laps. After that I did another 2x2 and 1x4 and then this is were it got fuzzy... lol I think I either did another 2x8 (for 2 more 'miles') or I did another 2x2 and 1x4 and then another 1x8 for a total of 48-50ish laps. Did one walking cool down lap, but all in all I did about 7 miles. Total run time without the walking lap was 58:12, so average of 8:30 per mile

Maybe a leisure run tomorrow or something.. well see... And maybe I can convince someone to join me on one of these interval runs over the weekend.... *cough* 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nice easy day...

Today I wasn't feeling so good so I just ran 3 miles. I did 3 sets of 2x400 and 1x800. The first set I did an average of 1:40 per lap (400 meters), second one about 1:45 per lap and third one around 1:55. Total running time (not including breaks between intervals) was 22 minutes and change.

Planning for a quick run tomorrow and then some martial arts to change things up a bit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

So yesterday I did a quick 2 mile run. Nothing over the top or anything, but I ran it in like 18 minutes. There was a few hills here and there so that kinda slowed me down a bit. Hopefully if it doesn't rain later I'll run more today like I was originally planning, but the weather hasn't been very motivating.. to say the least.

Ill see what I can find as far as starting from nothing for those interested in starting from scratch on running.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Combo Post 3...

Thurs Apr 7:
Another day of interval runs. It was prett windy from the SE so the back stretch felt really slow. Overall I'm pretty happy with my times still.

Mile 1 (est. 8:00):
1x400 - 1:4x
1x400 - 1:4x
2x800 - 1:5x

Mile 2 (est. 8:0x:
1x400 - 1:5x
1x400 - 1:5x
2x800 - 2:0x

Mile 3 (est. 8:15):
1x400 - 1:5x
1x400 - 2:0x
2x800 - avg 2:0x/lap

Mile 4 (est. 8:35):
1x1600 - avg 2:1x/lap

1x400 - 3:30 (walk)

Mile 5 (est. 8:20):
2x800 - avg 2:0x/lap

Mile 6 (est 9:10):
1x1600 - avg 2:15/lap

Total run/walk time (6.25 miles): 51:38 (avg - 8:26/mile)
Total run time (6 miles): 49:08 (avg - 8:17/mile)

So all in all total run distance was 6 miles with 30-60 sec breaks between the distances. After the 3rd mile I was feeling fine, just my legs were getting kinda tired. Maybe shoot for a road/trail run this weekend to break up the track circles. Once my legs stop being tired (hopefully after a few more runs) I should be good to go for the 10k me thinks...

Combo Post 2...

Tues Apr 5:
I decided to stick with the loose 400m, 400m, 800m x3 idea. Today I tried out 180 BPM. I found that 190 felt a tad uncomfortable and 170 felt good, but I thought I could go a little faster tempo wise. 180 fit well I thought.

For the 400m's I did 180 and then the 800m's I did 160 (though I might have done 170, I changed up the music to put the 180 on and Im not sure if I left the 160 ot 170). Did roughly 90 secs of rest between intervals and then around the last 800 I think I ended up doing a 1600m because I got a second wind or something and then I did a few more run/walk laps as cool down.

So all in all I think total distance was > 4 miles, so distance wise I think I'm doing okay. Maybe this weekend do a longer run instead of interval, but I hope to do at least 1 more interval run like this before the weekend.

Combo Post 1...

So because I'm bored the comments to this will be sorta my running blog...
To start it off, Sat, Apr 2, I ran roughly 14 laps at different BPMs (beats per min, or tempo of music) varying from 160, 170, and 190. Mostly did two 400m at 190 or 170 (depending on how I was feeling) and then one 800m at 160. I was able to borrow a stop watching and started off with a fast 1:3x - 1:4x for the first 2 laps and i think somewhere around 1:5x for the 800m. I would rest about 90 -180 seconds in between each 400 (or 800). I repeated this roughly 2 more times and then I think i finished with a 1600m run/walk varying from 160 and 170. Overall felt pretty good. I think I ended up averaging around 2:1x for laps all in all. I think (if i can get a stopwatch consistently) I will try shooting for 1:45 laps.

Overall I'm very loosely following a interval (or repeat or whatever you wanna call it) workup run workout so don't look for any consistency until I find something that I start liking. 

Gearing up..

The past few years I have been running on and off due to boredom or due to the season changes cause it just sucks to run when there is snow and stuff.. So here I will do my best to keep track of my running progress and maybe my other PT and whatever else pops into my head.